
Summer Reading

Welcome to Summer Reading at Shasta Public Libraries!

Reading and literacy are important, and we want to encourage everyone to keep reading even when school is out. Our summer reading program helps you keep up literacy and prevent the summer slide with fun events and prizes! Read with us this summer from June 1st to July 31st.

Sign Up Here & Read For Prizes

Read and Win Prizes!

  • Sign Up for Summer Reading!
  • Read! 
    Adults: Read a book.
    Kids: Read the required number of minutes.
    • Pre-Readers (ages 0-5) – each section is 100 minutes
    • Kids (ages 6-12) – each section is 300 minutes
    • Teens (ages 13-18) – each section is 400 minutes
  • Fill out the reading log (online or pick up a paper log at the library).
  • Submit & repeat!

All reading logs must be turned in by July 31st at 11:59pm


  • Pre-Readers: Finish up to 2 sections and receive prizes and entries in the Raffle.
  • Kids: Finish up to 4 sections and receive prizes and entries in the Raffle.
  • Teens: Finish the first 2 sections and receive prizes. Additional sections finished will get you entries in the Raffle.
  • Adults: All entries go into the Grand Prize Drawings.

Read and win prizes

throughout the summer!

<——-Check out a few of our prizes!

Select a Language